
This is our very own combat calculator with custom made operations to make calculating your Doriki output as simple as possible.

IR = Idle Rating. Press this key and enter your Attribute's Idle Rating. 60% = 60
Base stores the number you have entered on the calculator for the system to reference when you calculate Buffs or Debuffs. You will receive an alert to confirm the value has been stored.
Buff references the number you've stored with Base and pulls the percentage you indicate from it and adds it to your total.
D.Buff refernces the number you've stored with Base and pulls a percentage you indicate from it and subtracts it from your total.
Tier sends the displayed number to the system and alerts you with the appropriate Doriki letter Tier output for that value.

Example operation: 10,000 Strength & Power|60% Idle Rating|+30% Stat Allowances|+10% 1 Offensive Advantage|-10% Debuff from item you ate, or w.e.

1) 10,000->Base(stores 10,000)->IR 60 = 6,000 -> Buff 30 = 9,000(Added 30% from stored base of 10,000(3,000))->Debuff 10 = 8,000(Subtracted 10% from stored base of 10,000(1,000))->Tier = E+.

2) Or you can combine all of your percentages and compute more quickly. 10,000 (60% Idle Rating +30% Stat Allowances = 90% - 10% = 80%) 10,000 Doriki IR 80 = 8,000. Tier = E+

Feel free to do your math how you wish, but this tool exist if you want to use it.